The Space Systems Design Editor

SSDE, the Space Systems Design Editor, is the primary modeling environment for VSEE. Building on the well-established SysML notation, it provides powerful editors and browsers to create, explore and annotate VSEE Models. SSDEĀ  covers typical views required for the definition of Spacecraft design, Assembly/Integration/Test (AIT) and verification. The output of the tools is a (design) model of the Spacecraft, comprising requirements, functional architecture, physical architecture, Spacecraft operation, AIT flow, verification cases and the design of the AIT environment.

SSDE provides the following key functions


SSDE can either be used as a standalone tool or can integrate with SSRDB as backend in a multi-user/multi-site environment. In that case, SSDE provides a User Interface for all required SSRDB functions (branching, merging, import/export, etc.).

VSEE models and properties as created in SSDE can be fully shared with SSVT (see “End-to-End” Video).

Implementation and Technology

SSDE heavily leverages the Eclipse platform. The key components are EMF (as a foundation for the common VSEE datacore) and GMF for the diagram editors. Most datamodel-specific aspects of the SSDE are transformed from the VSEE datamodel. (~ 70% of the SSDE source code is generated). The SSDE tool itself is provided as a standalone editor, i.e. it requires no other Eclipse, etc. installations.

Further Information

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